Below is a list of some oral presentations given by members of the group:

  1. Algorithm Configuration for Random Problem Generation
    Daniel Geschwender
    Tutorial given at the retreat of the Constraint Systems Laboratory
    Lodge at the Wilderness Ridge, Lincoln, Ne. November 1, 2014
    Slides (PPTX)

  2. Tractable Combinations of Global Constraints
    Robert J. Woodward
    Presentation of CP2013 paper by David A. Cohen, Peter G. Jeavons, Evgenij Thorstensen, Stanislav Zivny
    Coconut Talk, Montpellier, France, January 17, 2013.
    Slides (PPTX, PDF)

  3. Localizing & Bolstering Constraint Propagation in a Tree Decomposition
    Berthe Y. Choueiry
    Coconut Talk, Montpellier, France, November 8, 2013.
    Slides (PPTX, PDF)

  4. Recent Advances in High-Level Relational Consistency
    Robert J. Woodward
    Coconut Talk, Montpellier, France, October 18, 2013.
    Slides (PPT, PDF)

  5. Exploiting Local Interactions to Build Global Strategies
    Berthe Y. Choueiry
    Invited talk at the Freuderfest, in honor of the retirement of Professor Eugene C. Freuder. Perugia, Italy, September 2011
    Slides (PPTX, PDF)

  6. Interchangeability in Constraint Programming
    Robert Woodward, Shant Karakashian, and Steven Prestwich
    Seminar at Cork Constraints Computation Center, August 2010.
    Slides: Robert's (PPTX), Shant's (PPTX), and Steve's (PDF)

  7. A First Practical Algorithm for High Levels of Relational Consistency
    Robert Woodward
    Constraint Reasoning Group, Microsoft Research, UK, July 2010
    Slides (PPTX, PDF)

  8. Integrating Higher-Levels of Consistency in Solvers to Uncover Tractability of CSPs
    Robert Woodward
    International Workshop on Tractability, July 2010
    Slides (PPTX, PDF)

  9. Constraint Satisfaction: Modeling and Reformulation with Application to Geospatial Reasoning
    Berthe Y. Choueiry
    Colloquium Series of the Department of Mathematics at UNL, Friday, October 12, 2007.
    Slides (PPTX, PDF)

  10. Reformulating Constraint Satisfaction Problems with Application to Geospatial Reasoning
    Kenneth M. Bayer
    Information Integration Group meeting at the Information Science Institute (ISI), Friday, May 11, 2007.
    Slides (PPTX, ppt with potential conversion problems)

  11. Consistency Methods for Temporal Reasoning
    Berthe Y. Choueiry
    AI Seminar Series of the Information Science Institute (ISI), February 23, 2007.

  12. Symmetry Detection in Constraint Satisfaction Problems & its Application in Databases
    Berthe Y. Choueiry
    AI Seminar Series of the Information Science Institute (ISI), December 2005.

  13. Survey of Techniques for Detecting and Exploiting Symmetry in Constraint Satisfaction Problems
    Yaling Zheng
    Presentation at CSE (UNL). November 22, 2005.

  14. A Constraint-Based Systems for the Hiring and Management of Graduate Teaching Assistants.
    Ryan Lim.
    INFORMS Annual Meeting, San Francisco. November 15, 2005.

  15. 4 Tales @ 4C: An Overview of Selected Research Conducted at the Constraint Systems Laboratory
    Berthe Y. Choueiry
    Seminar at Cork Constraints Computation Center, October 2005.

  16. Symposium on Abstraction, Reformulation and Approximation
    Berthe Y. Choueiry
    Talk at the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2005), Reports on co-located events, August 2005.

