Online catalogues:
- Global Constraint Catalog. ``The catalogue
presents a list of 276 global constraints issued from the literature
in constraint programming and from popular constraint systems'' (Dec
8, 2006).
Main textbooks:
- Constraint Processing by Rina Dechter, Morgan Kauffman,
- Foundations of Constraint Satisfaction by Edward
Tsang. Out of print, but the lab has a copy.
- Principles of Constraint Programming by Krzysztof
R. Apt. CALL Number QA76.612 .A68 2003.
- Essentials of Constraint Programming by Slim
Abdennadher, Thom Frühwirth. Publisher: Springer; 1 edition (April
28, 2003); ISBN: 3540676236.
- Artificial Intelligence, A Modern Approach (AIMA), by
Russell & Norvig. CALL number Q335 .R86 1995. First edition
available at the Love Library (LL). Chapter 5 in the Second Edition
is about CSPs.
Other references:
The Encyclopedia of Human-Computer Interaction, pages 123--126. Soon at the Avery
The MIT Encyclopedia of the Cognitive Sciences. CALL number
BF311 .M556 1999, LIB USE ONLY.
Encyclopedia of artificial intelligence, 1992, SECOND EDITION, call number
Q335 .E53, LIB USE ONLY.
Section on "General AI Information" in "
AI Resources ."
Web search engines (Citeseer, Google, Altavista, etc.)