Pointers to sites that store CSP instances for benchmarking: A wealth of benchmark problems. (Our own database of XCSP 2.0) These problem instances are written using the new standards for representing CSP instances: an XML representation and also a table representation. These instances were used in the First International Constraint Solver Competition. A related (same? overlapping? but not disjoint) set of benchmark problems can be accessed from Lecoutre's page. The parameters of the benchmark problems from the XCSP 2008 Competition listed above can be found here (XLSX). A (JAVA) checker for validating and converting CSP instances between the xml format and in the table format. Forced Satisfiable CSP and SAT Benchmarks of Model RB, by Ke XU. CLib: Configuration Benchmarks Library. More problems can be found from the CSPLib: Problem Library on the Web. We currently have two sources of sudoku puzzles. The first includes the 49,151 unique 17-clue puzzles. The second includes the hardest known puzzles: HardestDatabase110626