Software developed in the lab:
- An Implementation of An Algorithm for Generating All Connected
Subgraphs of a Fixed Size (Version October 2010).
Shant Karakashian
random generator for binary CSPs. This generator originates from
generator of
Christian Bessière (LIRMM), which was first modified by Shant
Karakashian to output the results in XCSP2.0 format, then updated by Peter
Schlette, and finally bug-fixed by Chritoper Reeson.
The new generator
- Guarantees that the network is connected (both by checking on the
number of constraints before generating the graph and also by checking
the connectedness of the generated graph);
Writes each generated instance into a separate file (when the option
"-f myFileTag" is used).
A Generator for Solvable Random Non-Binary Finite Constraint
Satisfaction Problems (new version).
Anagh Lal, Berthe Y. Choueiry, and Hui Zou
(Obsolete) A Generator of
Solvable Random CSP instances in JAVA by Zheying (Jane) Yang.
GTAAP: An Interactive System for
the Assignement of Graduate Teaching Assistants to Academic Tasks
(database, interface and search mechanisms)
Contributors: Kenneth Bayer, Berthe Y. Choueiry, Robert Glaubius,
Venkata Praveen Guddeti, Christopher Hammack, Eric Moss, Ryan Lim,
Venkateshwar Rao Thota, and Hui Zou.
A Generator for Random Instances of Binary Finite Constraint
Satisfaction Problems with Controllable Levels of
Hui Zou and Amy M. Beckwith and Berthe Y. Choueiry
A Generator for Random Non-Binary Finite Constraint Satisfaction
Problems (old version)
Hui Zou, Berthe Y. Choueiry and Amy M. Davis