ConSystlab: All posters
Below, we list (almost) all our posters.
This includes those we have presented at (public) conferences and
those that we have prepared for internal presentations to the visitors
to our lab.
A Constraint-Based System for Hiring and
Managing Graduate Teaching Assistants.(powerpoint)
Ryan Lim, Venkata Praveen Guddeti, and Berthe
Y. Choueiry
Demo Track, CP 2004. October 2004
A New Dynamic Restart Strategy for
Randomized Backtrack Search (powerpoint)
Venkata Praveen Guddeti and Berthe Y. Choueiry, September 2004
Using Maximal Independent Sets of a
Constraint Graphs to Improve Search (with Validation on Local
Search) (powerpoint)
Joel Gompert and Berthe Y. Choueiry, September 2004
Cut-and-Traverse: A New Structural
Decomposition Technique for CSPs (powerpoint)
Yaling Zheng and Berthe Y. Choueiry, September 2004
Dynamic Bundling for Non-Binary CSPs and
Databases (powerpoint)
Anagh Lal and Berthe Y. Choueiry, September 2004
- Evaluating Consistency Algorithms for Temporal Metric
Constraints (powerpoint, pdf)
Yang Shi, Anagh Lal, and Berthe Y. Choueiry, AAAI 04
- An Interactive, Constraint-Based System for Task Allocation
in an Academic Environment (powerpoint, pdf)
Ryan Lim, Venkata Praveen Guddeti, and Berthe
Y. Choueiry, ICAPS 04
- An Interactive, Constraint-Based System for Task Allocation
in an Academic Environment (powerpoint, pdf)
Ryan Lim, Venkata Praveen Guddeti, Venkateshwar Rao Thota,
Hui Zou, and Berthe Y. Choueiry, Sigma Xi 04
- Herds Moving Over 3D Terrain (powerpoint)
Joel Gompert, April 2003.
- Consistency Methods for Temporal Reasoning (powerpoint)
Xu Lin and Berthe Y. Choueiry, April 2003.
- Robust Planning Using Constraint Satisfaction Techniques (powerpoint)
Daniel Buettner
and Berthe Y. Choueiry, April 2003.
- Multi-Agent Based Search versus Local Search and Backtrack
Search fpr Tight CSPs: Solving a Real-World Case Study (powerpoint)
Zou Hui and
Berthe Y. Choueiry, April 2003.
- Empirical Comparison of Preprocessing and Lookahead Techniques
for Binary Constaint Satisfaction Problems (powerpoint)
Zheying (Jane)
Yang and Berthe Y. Choueiry, April 2003.
- Shortcomings of Traditional Backtrack Search on Large, Tight
CSPs: A Real-World Example (powerpoint)
Guddeti and Berthe Y. Choueiry, April 2003.
- An Interactive System for Hiring and Managing Graduate
Teaching Assitants at the Department of Computer Science and
Engineering (powerpoint)
Ryan Lim and Berthe Y. Choueiry, April 2003.
- Constraint Modeling and Reformulation in the Context of
Academic Task Assignment (powerpoint
Robert Glaubius and Berthe Y. Choueiry SARA 2002
- Dynamically Detecting and Exploiting Symmetry in Finite
Constraint Satisfaction Problem (postscript)
Amy M. Davis and Berthe Y. Choueiry Nebraska Academy of
Sciences, 2001
- A Constraint Processing Approach to Assigning Graduate
Teaching Assistants to Courses (postscript)
Robert Glaubius and Berthe Y. Choueiry Nebraska Academy of
Sciences, 2001
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Last modified: Wed Jun 1 08:46:43 CDT 2005