Instance: normalized-cache-inv10-ucl_ext
Number of variables: 8937
Number of constraints: 8885
Satisfiable: None
Timestamp: 2018-04-21 10:45:56
Stampede: v1.0.0-1618-gfb467d2
Boost: 1.64.0
Benchmark comments

Instance comments

Component #1 Number of variables: 8937
Number of constraints: 8885
General features
Coarse blocks: 91,704
Value tables: 8,993
Feature min max mean median sum prod ln(prod) std_dev COV ENT
Arity 2 9 3.07 3.00 27,270 MAX VALUE 9,829.08 0.75 0.25 0.19
Coarse blocks size 1 136 2.64 2.00 242,332 MAX VALUE 46,184.20 7.53 2.85 1.10
Relational linkage 0.25 1.00 0.44 0.50 15,631.50 0.00 -30,443.80 0.11 0.25 0.59
Tightness 0.00 0.62 0.50 0.50 4,434.00 0.00 None 0.03 0.06 0.09
Tuples 1 256 7.79 4.00 69,240 MAX VALUE 12,681.90 30.95 3.97 0.27
Values 1 2 1.99 2.00 17,826 MAX VALUE 6,161.39 0.07 0.04 0.03
Value table constraints 2 166 2.96 2.00 26,645 MAX VALUE 7,332.78 6.75 2.28 0.65
Value table partitions 1 256 3.94 2.00 35,471 MAX VALUE 6,589.49 22.01 5.58 0.14
Tree decomposition
Number of clusters: 8,218
Number of leaves: 3,613
Tree depth: 41
Dot-file path: /mnt/hdd/graphFiles/pseudo-uclidExtConvert/normalized-cache-inv10-ucl_ext/
PDF-file path: /mnt/hdd/graphFiles/pseudo-uclidExtConvert/normalized-cache-inv10-ucl_ext/Tree1.pdf
Feature min max mean median sum prod ln(prod) std_dev COV ENT
Cluster constraints 0 35 1.54 2.00 12,645 0 None 1.90 1.23 1.27
Cluster variables 2 143 8.74 6.00 71,804 MAX VALUE 16,147.30 9.55 1.09 2.19
Separator constraints 0 34 0.46 0.00 3,760 0 None 1.80 3.93 0.79
Separator variables 0 122 7.65 5.00 62,867 0 None 9.13 1.19 2.18
Dual tree decomposition
Number of clusters: 5,225
Number of leaves: 1,323
Tree depth: 242
Dot-file path: /mnt/hdd/graphFiles/pseudo-uclidExtConvert/normalized-cache-inv10-ucl_ext/
PDF-file path: /mnt/hdd/graphFiles/pseudo-uclidExtConvert/normalized-cache-inv10-ucl_ext/DualTree1.pdf
Feature min max mean median sum prod ln(prod) std_dev COV ENT
Cluster constraints 0 20,313 1,532.67 200.00 8,008,210 None None 3,000.28 1.96 6.04
Cluster variables 2 1,026 69.13 35.00 361,225 MAX VALUE 17,250.00 106.34 1.54 4.45
Separator constraints 0 17,701 1,488.51 186.00 7,777,470 0 None 2,924.17 1.96 5.81
Separator variables 0 785 67.43 34.00 352,340 0 None 103.68 1.54 4.44
Primal graph
Density: 0.07%
Dot-file path: /mnt/hdd/graphFiles/pseudo-uclidExtConvert/normalized-cache-inv10-ucl_ext/
PDF-file path: /mnt/hdd/graphFiles/pseudo-uclidExtConvert/normalized-cache-inv10-ucl_ext/Primal1.pdf
Feature min max mean median sum prod ln(prod) std_dev COV ENT
Clustering coefficient 0.00 0.82 None 0.33 None None None None None 1.10
Degree 1 331 6.27 4.00 56,042 MAX VALUE 13,666.90 14.10 2.25 0.85
Eccentricity 8 15 11.56 11.00 103,347 MAX VALUE 21,845.20 0.98 0.08 1.35
Triangulated primal graph
Density: 0.25%
Feature min max mean median sum prod ln(prod) std_dev COV ENT
Clustering coefficient 0.05 1.00 None 0.87 None None None None None 3.53
Degree 1 1,256 22.72 6.00 203,088 MAX VALUE 19,569.40 65.04 2.86 2.92
Eccentricity 3 6 4.94 5.00 44,127 MAX VALUE 14,225.40 0.49 0.10 0.72
Dual graph
Density: None%
MCB compute time (ms): None
MCB cycles: None
Triangles: None
Dot-file path: /mnt/hdd/graphFiles/pseudo-uclidExtConvert/normalized-cache-inv10-ucl_ext/
PDF-file path: /mnt/hdd/graphFiles/pseudo-uclidExtConvert/normalized-cache-inv10-ucl_ext/Dual1.pdf

Feature min max mean median sum prod ln(prod) std_dev COV ENT
Clustering coefficient None None None None None None None None None None
Degree None None None None None None None None None None
Eccentricity None None None None None None None None None None
MCB cycle size None None None None None None None None None None
Minimal dual graph
Density: 0.04%
MCB compute time (ms): None
MCB cycles: None
Feature min max mean median sum prod ln(prod) std_dev COV ENT
Clustering coefficient 0.00 0.33 None 0.00 None None None None None 0.21
Degree 1 7 3.92 4.00 34,820 MAX VALUE 11,994.10 0.70 0.18 1.04
Eccentricity 20 36 25.82 25.00 229,425 MAX VALUE 28,847.20 2.50 0.10 2.24
MCB cycle size None None None None None None None None None None
Triangulated dual graph
Density: None%
Triangles: None
Feature min max mean median sum prod ln(prod) std_dev COV ENT
Clustering coefficient None None None None None None None None None None
Degree None None None None None None None None None None
Eccentricity None None None None None None None None None None
Triangulated minimal dual graph
Density: 1.24%
Feature min max mean median sum prod ln(prod) std_dev COV ENT
Clustering coefficient 0.32 1.00 None 0.80 None None None None None 4.92
Degree 1 1,122 109.81 8.00 975,626 MAX VALUE 24,876.40 247.97 2.26 4.15
Eccentricity 4 7 5.49 5.00 48,778 MAX VALUE 15,059.50 0.69 0.13 1.04
Incidence graph
Density: 0.02%
MCB compute time (ms): None
MCB cycles: None
Dot-file path: /mnt/hdd/graphFiles/pseudo-uclidExtConvert/normalized-cache-inv10-ucl_ext/
PDF-file path: /mnt/hdd/graphFiles/pseudo-uclidExtConvert/normalized-cache-inv10-ucl_ext/Incidence1.pdf
Feature min max mean median sum prod ln(prod) std_dev COV ENT
Clustering coefficient 0.00 0.00 None 0.00 None None None None None 0.69
Degree 1 166 3.06 3.00 54,540 MAX VALUE 17,212.70 4.90 1.60 0.89
Eccentricity 16 30 22.89 23.00 407,859 MAX VALUE 55,727.80 1.95 0.09 2.05
MCB cycle size None None None None None None None None None None