Instance: geo50-20-d4-75-76_ext
Number of variables: 50
Number of constraints: 365
Satisfiable: None
Timestamp: 2017-10-27 10:45:25
Stampede: v1.0.0-797-g05e223c
Boost: 1.64.0
Benchmark comments

Instance comments

Component #1 Number of variables: 50
Number of constraints: 365
General features
Coarse blocks: 14,600
Value tables: 50
Feature min max mean median sum prod ln(prod) std_dev COV ENT
Arity 2 2 2.00 2.00 730 MAX VALUE 253.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Coarse blocks size 7 20 15.02 15.00 219,222 MAX VALUE 39,426.30 1.93 0.13 2.07
Relational linkage 0.35 0.75 0.58 0.60 579.50 0.00 -551.75 0.06 0.11 1.62
Tightness 0.20 0.31 0.25 0.25 90.97 0.00 -508.46 0.02 0.09 3.50
Tuples 276 321 300.30 300.00 109,611 MAX VALUE 2,082.10 8.53 0.03 3.50
Values 20 20 20.00 20.00 1,000 MAX VALUE 149.79 0.00 0.00 0.00
Value table constraints 6 22 14.60 14.00 730 MAX VALUE 132.72 3.25 0.22 2.46
Value table partitions 20 20 20.00 20.00 1,000 MAX VALUE 149.79 0.00 0.00 0.00
Tree decomposition
Number of clusters: 21
Number of leaves: 5
Tree depth: 6
Dot-file path: /mnt/hdd/graphFiles/geom/geo50-20-d4-75-76_ext/
PDF-file path: /mnt/hdd/graphFiles/geom/geo50-20-d4-75-76_ext/Tree1.pdf
Feature min max mean median sum prod ln(prod) std_dev COV ENT
Cluster constraints 19 69 53.38 56.00 1,121 1.09e+36 82.98 10.06 0.19 2.62
Cluster variables 7 16 12.29 12.00 258 5.86e+22 52.42 1.80 0.15 1.62
Separator constraints 0 50 36.00 39.00 756 0 None 12.12 0.34 2.69
Separator variables 0 13 9.90 11.00 208 0 None 2.54 0.26 1.30
Dual tree decomposition
Number of clusters: 48
Number of leaves: 24
Tree depth: 7
Dot-file path: /mnt/hdd/graphFiles/geom/geo50-20-d4-75-76_ext/
PDF-file path: /mnt/hdd/graphFiles/geom/geo50-20-d4-75-76_ext/DualTree1.pdf
Feature min max mean median sum prod ln(prod) std_dev COV ENT
Cluster constraints 74 804 336.19 275.50 16,137 MAX VALUE 271.97 181.47 0.54 3.84
Cluster variables 16 98 44.60 37.00 2,141 MAX VALUE 176.89 21.72 0.49 3.49
Separator constraints 0 519 227.27 214.50 10,909 0 None 104.05 0.46 3.73
Separator variables 0 70 37.00 35.00 1,776 0 None 15.19 0.41 3.46
Primal graph
Density: 29.80%
Dot-file path: /mnt/hdd/graphFiles/geom/geo50-20-d4-75-76_ext/
PDF-file path: /mnt/hdd/graphFiles/geom/geo50-20-d4-75-76_ext/Primal1.pdf
Feature min max mean median sum prod ln(prod) std_dev COV ENT
Clustering coefficient 0.50 0.93 0.72 0.75 35.94 0.00 -17.30 0.13 0.17 3.59
Degree 6 22 14.60 14.00 730 MAX VALUE 132.72 3.25 0.22 2.46
Eccentricity 2 4 3.34 3.00 167 6.71e+25 59.47 0.59 0.18 0.87
Triangulated primal graph
Density: 40.49%
Feature min max mean median sum prod ln(prod) std_dev COV ENT
Clustering coefficient 0.55 1.00 0.80 0.84 39.90 0.00 -12.20 0.15 0.19 3.03
Degree 6 34 19.84 17.00 992 MAX VALUE 145.50 7.61 0.38 2.80
Eccentricity 2 3 2.68 3.00 134 1.09e+21 48.44 0.47 0.17 0.63
Dual graph
Density: 7.87%
MCB compute time (ms): 3,297
MCB cycles: 4,958
Triangles: 25,638
Dot-file path: /mnt/hdd/graphFiles/geom/geo50-20-d4-75-76_ext/
PDF-file path: /mnt/hdd/graphFiles/geom/geo50-20-d4-75-76_ext/Dual1.pdf

Feature min max mean median sum prod ln(prod) std_dev COV ENT
Clustering coefficient 0.49 0.64 0.52 0.52 189.57 0.00 -239.32 0.02 0.03 4.94
Degree 15 40 28.65 28.00 10,456 MAX VALUE 1,219.36 4.77 0.17 2.95
Eccentricity 3 5 3.81 4.00 1,390 MAX VALUE 484.70 0.50 0.13 0.73
MCB cycle size 3 4 3.00 3.00 14,886 MAX VALUE 5,450.37 0.05 0.02 0.02
Minimal dual graph
Density: 1.02%
MCB compute time (ms): 869
MCB cycles: 316
Feature min max mean median sum prod ln(prod) std_dev COV ENT
Clustering coefficient 0.00 0.17 0.00 0.00 0.33 0.00 None 0.01 11.73 0.06
Degree 2 6 3.73 4.00 1,360 MAX VALUE 470.66 0.86 0.23 1.19
Eccentricity 7 11 8.85 9.00 3,229 MAX VALUE 794.32 0.77 0.09 1.16
MCB cycle size 3 9 6.27 6.00 1,981 MAX VALUE 574.03 1.18 0.19 1.56
Triangulated dual graph
Density: 30.85%
Triangles: 644,043
Feature min max mean median sum prod ln(prod) std_dev COV ENT
Clustering coefficient 0.44 1.00 0.80 0.82 292.25 0.00 -86.88 0.13 0.17 4.73
Degree 15 268 112.30 111.00 40,990 MAX VALUE 1,672.19 54.61 0.49 4.25
Eccentricity 2 4 2.96 3.00 1,081 MAX VALUE 393.43 0.35 0.12 0.46
Triangulated minimal dual graph
Density: 7.70%
Feature min max mean median sum prod ln(prod) std_dev COV ENT
Clustering coefficient 0.47 1.00 0.79 0.73 288.77 0.00 -93.32 0.16 0.21 3.72
Degree 2 112 28.04 7.00 10,234 MAX VALUE 909.05 34.24 1.22 3.44
Eccentricity 3 6 4.56 5.00 1,664 MAX VALUE 550.32 0.61 0.13 0.92
Incidence graph
Density: 0.85%
MCB compute time (ms): 246
MCB cycles: 316
Dot-file path: /mnt/hdd/graphFiles/geom/geo50-20-d4-75-76_ext/
PDF-file path: /mnt/hdd/graphFiles/geom/geo50-20-d4-75-76_ext/Incidence1.pdf
Feature min max mean median sum prod ln(prod) std_dev COV ENT
Clustering coefficient 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 None 0.00 None 0.00
Degree 2 22 3.52 2.00 1,460 MAX VALUE 385.72 4.25 1.21 0.66
Eccentricity 5 10 7.75 8.00 3,216 MAX VALUE 846.23 0.99 0.13 1.27
MCB cycle size 6 6 6.00 6.00 1,896 MAX VALUE 566.20 0.00 0.00 0.00