Instance: geo50-20-d4-75-10_ext
Number of variables: 50
Number of constraints: 459
Satisfiable: None
Timestamp: 2017-10-27 10:45:25
Stampede: v1.0.0-797-g05e223c
Boost: 1.64.0
Benchmark comments

Instance comments

Component #1 Number of variables: 50
Number of constraints: 459
General features
Coarse blocks: 18,360
Value tables: 50
Feature min max mean median sum prod ln(prod) std_dev COV ENT
Arity 2 2 2.00 2.00 918 MAX VALUE 318.15 0.00 0.00 0.00
Coarse blocks size 6 20 15.00 15.00 275,328 MAX VALUE 49,553.90 1.94 0.13 2.07
Relational linkage 0.30 0.75 0.57 0.55 567.15 0.00 -573.60 0.06 0.11 1.64
Tightness 0.18 0.32 0.25 0.25 114.84 0.00 -637.83 0.02 0.09 3.56
Tuples 272 329 299.92 300.00 137,664 MAX VALUE 2,617.71 9.01 0.03 3.56
Values 20 20 20.00 20.00 1,000 MAX VALUE 149.79 0.00 0.00 0.00
Value table constraints 9 30 18.36 18.00 918 MAX VALUE 143.19 5.37 0.29 2.87
Value table partitions 20 20 20.00 20.00 1,000 MAX VALUE 149.79 0.00 0.00 0.00
Tree decomposition
Number of clusters: 25
Number of leaves: 4
Tree depth: 8
Dot-file path: /mnt/hdd/graphFiles/geom/geo50-20-d4-75-10_ext/
PDF-file path: /mnt/hdd/graphFiles/geom/geo50-20-d4-75-10_ext/Tree1.pdf
Feature min max mean median sum prod ln(prod) std_dev COV ENT
Cluster constraints 42 125 80.96 85.00 2,024 MAX VALUE 108.28 27.34 0.34 3.00
Cluster variables 10 20 14.92 16.00 373 1.23e+29 66.98 3.12 0.21 2.25
Separator constraints 0 111 62.60 67.00 1,565 0 None 26.61 0.43 2.94
Separator variables 0 17 12.92 13.00 323 0 None 3.81 0.30 2.10
Dual tree decomposition
Number of clusters: 48
Number of leaves: 21
Tree depth: 7
Dot-file path: /mnt/hdd/graphFiles/geom/geo50-20-d4-75-10_ext/
PDF-file path: /mnt/hdd/graphFiles/geom/geo50-20-d4-75-10_ext/DualTree1.pdf
Feature min max mean median sum prod ln(prod) std_dev COV ENT
Cluster constraints 78 1,703 608.00 489.00 29,184 MAX VALUE 294.92 430.52 0.71 3.78
Cluster variables 17 156 60.54 47.00 2,906 MAX VALUE 188.96 36.67 0.61 3.55
Separator constraints 0 949 427.00 361.50 20,496 0 None 256.56 0.60 3.81
Separator variables 0 111 50.98 44.00 2,447 0 None 26.82 0.53 3.59
Primal graph
Density: 37.47%
Dot-file path: /mnt/hdd/graphFiles/geom/geo50-20-d4-75-10_ext/
PDF-file path: /mnt/hdd/graphFiles/geom/geo50-20-d4-75-10_ext/Primal1.pdf
Feature min max mean median sum prod ln(prod) std_dev COV ENT
Clustering coefficient 0.50 0.94 0.72 0.73 36.07 0.00 -16.94 0.11 0.16 3.83
Degree 9 30 18.36 18.00 918 MAX VALUE 143.19 5.37 0.29 2.87
Eccentricity 2 4 3.00 3.00 150 3.98e+23 54.34 0.45 0.15 0.64
Triangulated primal graph
Density: 49.88%
Feature min max mean median sum prod ln(prod) std_dev COV ENT
Clustering coefficient 0.60 1.00 0.81 0.81 40.60 0.00 -10.99 0.12 0.15 3.63
Degree 9 39 24.44 24.00 1,222 MAX VALUE 155.91 8.83 0.36 3.19
Eccentricity 2 3 2.56 3.00 128 9.60e+19 46.01 0.50 0.19 0.69
Dual graph
Density: 8.27%
MCB compute time (ms): 15,664
MCB cycles: 8,372
Triangles: 57,991
Dot-file path: /mnt/hdd/graphFiles/geom/geo50-20-d4-75-10_ext/
PDF-file path: /mnt/hdd/graphFiles/geom/geo50-20-d4-75-10_ext/Dual1.pdf

Feature min max mean median sum prod ln(prod) std_dev COV ENT
Clustering coefficient 0.50 0.61 0.52 0.52 239.94 0.00 -298.11 0.02 0.04 5.57
Degree 16 56 37.86 38.00 17,376 MAX VALUE 1,656.53 8.01 0.21 3.44
Eccentricity 3 5 3.51 4.00 1,609 MAX VALUE 570.88 0.51 0.15 0.72
MCB cycle size 3 4 3.00 3.00 25,149 MAX VALUE 9,207.08 0.06 0.02 0.03
Minimal dual graph
Density: 0.83%
MCB compute time (ms): 2,134
MCB cycles: 410
Feature min max mean median sum prod ln(prod) std_dev COV ENT
Clustering coefficient 0.00 0.33 0.01 0.00 2.33 0.00 None 0.04 6.95 0.16
Degree 2 6 3.78 4.00 1,736 MAX VALUE 599.09 0.87 0.23 1.18
Eccentricity 7 10 8.47 8.00 3,886 MAX VALUE 979.11 0.65 0.08 0.98
MCB cycle size 3 10 6.53 7.00 2,676 MAX VALUE 760.11 1.30 0.20 1.67
Triangulated dual graph
Density: 38.41%
Triangles: 2,086,080
Feature min max mean median sum prod ln(prod) std_dev COV ENT
Clustering coefficient 0.56 1.00 0.81 0.81 371.92 0.00 -101.28 0.11 0.14 5.08
Degree 16 331 175.90 183.00 80,736 MAX VALUE 2,302.10 81.46 0.46 4.70
Eccentricity 2 4 2.79 3.00 1,280 MAX VALUE 464.34 0.43 0.16 0.59
Triangulated minimal dual graph
Density: 9.15%
Feature min max mean median sum prod ln(prod) std_dev COV ENT
Clustering coefficient 0.47 1.00 0.83 0.79 379.74 0.00 -93.97 0.14 0.17 3.72
Degree 2 147 41.92 8.00 19,242 MAX VALUE 1,222.59 54.28 1.29 3.44
Eccentricity 3 5 3.80 4.00 1,742 MAX VALUE 607.39 0.54 0.14 0.80
Incidence graph
Density: 0.71%
MCB compute time (ms): 534
MCB cycles: 410
Dot-file path: /mnt/hdd/graphFiles/geom/geo50-20-d4-75-10_ext/
PDF-file path: /mnt/hdd/graphFiles/geom/geo50-20-d4-75-10_ext/Incidence1.pdf
Feature min max mean median sum prod ln(prod) std_dev COV ENT
Clustering coefficient 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 None 0.00 None 0.00
Degree 2 30 3.61 2.00 1,836 MAX VALUE 461.34 5.15 1.43 0.60
Eccentricity 5 10 7.16 7.00 3,645 MAX VALUE 997.73 0.92 0.13 1.18
MCB cycle size 6 6 6.00 6.00 2,460 MAX VALUE 734.62 0.00 0.00 0.00